IEA Newsletter | December 2022-January 2023


The AGM of the IEA was held on the 7th November, 2022 and led to a new board of 10 being elected for the next 12 months. The election consolidated the role of the IEA as a professional agency for those connected to ecological (regenerative) agriculture. Five of the new Directors are graduates of the Regenerative Agriculture courses at Southern Cross University or are currently enrolled. Another three are, or have been, associated with SCU in the past at the teaching or administration level.

This is an important development for the evolution of this form of agriculture in Australia. As it stands most universities in Australia teach conventional agriculture based on reductionist science. Whilst we don’t dispute the importance of this form of science, we do not believe that reductionism has been good for the environment. In the contest between production and conservation a duality is established where one entity wins, and the remaining entity does not. In a reductionist science worldview production is the dominant player. An expression of this would be the liberalisation of vegetation clearing guidelines in NSW and Qld. Continue reading …


IEA Newsletter | February 2023


IEA Newsletter | November 2022